The event will focus on the following:
1. Statutory and regulatory context
2. The South African Council for the Architectural Profession (SACAP)
3. Voluntary Associations
4. Legal Context
5. Associated legislation
6. Establishing a Practice
7. Personnel
8. Finance Management
9. Risk Management
10. Quality Management Systems
11. Project Planning, Delivery, and Controls
12. Architectural Services
13. The Architectural Professional's Appointment
14. The Professional Team
15. Fees for Architectural Services
16. Statutory Submissions and Project Record Documentation
17. Litigation
18. Options for Dispute Resolution
• Office practice, legal aspects, and ethics
• Contract documentation and administration
The event is available as a pre-recording with a duration of ± 8.5 hours.You may stop and continue later. On the last day of every month a list of those who have succesfully completed the event will be extracted from the system and CPD certificates genereate - these certificates will be available on the e-Portal with the first two weeks of the next month.
It is validated for 1.0 CPD Category 1 points for SACAP registered professionals.
Frans Dekker is the Managing Director of SAIAT and since 2008 has been involved in presenting CPD workshops for SAIAT.
SAIAT members R 990.00
Other professionals / Guests R 1 100.00
Students R100.00
(All inclusive of VAT)
Please note that SAIAT offers a 4-month payment plan. Please complete the Instalment Agreement and DebiCheck mandate here.