This virtual event will contribute to the continuing development of the architectural professional by providing further mobility and transportability within the field of applying and understanding principles of architectural technology.
SKU: 2025>004
Your price: R378,40


lt has been recognised from the earliest times that drainage, whether natural or artificial, is essential to the health and comfort of mankind . . . ‘

There is evidence that at the Palace of Knossos in Crete a drainage system existed before 1500 BC . . . Excavations have revealed that stone ducts and terracotta pipes conveyed rain water from roofs and terraces to a main drain and provision was made for flushing it with rainwater. Drainage pipes were tapered so that the narrowed end of one fitted into the next.

Ruins of houses in ancient Greek cities show these were equipped with closets of simple design. These were made so that they could be flushed with water and sometimes were connected to a sewer in the street . . . In the 6th century BC Rome possessed an extensive network of sewers draining marshy ground.

After the fall of the Roman Empire little progress was made in sanitation for some centuries. As late as the 18th Century it was still a prevalent custom to throw refuse into the street. Progress in the first half of the nineteenth century came as a direct result of the industrial revolution. Water, pumped through cast iron mains at pressure could be fed to fire hydrants from which water for domestic purposes could be drawn.

By the end of the 18th Century the water closet in a very elementary form began to be introduced. This was usually situated in a cupboard and connected directly to a cesspool in the basement. In order to prevent the passage of bad odours, traps containing a water seal were introduced, first patented by ]ohn Gaillait in 1782. Cesspools were seldom if ever emptied and flooding and unhygienic conditions resulted. To relieve the situation pipe-work was later connected to the main city stormwater sewers and hence to the natural riverways from which water was drawn.

This CPD event will not just focus on the requirements of SANS 10400 Part P (Drainage) and SANS 10252 Part 2 (Drainage installations for buildings), but will provide to the history of drainage from pre-Roman times to today.


• Construction Technology
• Architectural Design



​The event is available as a pre-recording with a duration of ± 4 hours. You may stop and continue later. On the last day of every month a list of those who have succesfully completed the event will be extracted from the system and CPD certificates genereate - these certificates will be available on the e-Portal with the first two weeks of the next month.

​It is validated for 0.4 CPD Category 1 points for SACAP registered professionals.


Frans Dekker is the Managing Director of SAIAT and since 2008 has been involved in presenting CPD workshops for SAIAT.


  • SAIAT members = R 400.00
  • Other professionals / Guests = R 440.00
  • Students = R 50.00
  • Building Control = Free
    (All inclusive of VAT)