This virtual event will contribute to the continuing development of the architectural professional by providing further mobility and transportability within the field of applying and understanding Architectural History and Design. Price shown is exclusive of VAT - VAT will be added on Invoice.
Discussed in ths CPD event is the meaning of detail and the way in which Le Corbusier used it as a means to convey aspects of his wider architectural philosophy.
While being loaded with meaning, Le Corbusier’s details are astonishingly raw and risky. There is a great deal to be learned by examining his buildings on their own terms. Le Corbusier is for his ability to develop detailing systems that reproduced, on a small scale, the organizational ideas of the buildings themselves. Not only do they express the organizational ideas, they also express Le Corbusier’s philosophies which encompassed not just buildings, but his view of the entirety of existence.
In Towards New Architecture Le Corbusier posed the question ‘from what is emotion born?’: ‘From a certain harmony with the things that make up the site. From a plastic system that spreads its effects over every part of the composition. From a unity of idea that reaches from the unity of the materials used to the unity of the general contour’.
This ‘unity of idea’ is absolutely central to Le Corbusier’s work – a desperate attempt to create order in what he perceived to be a fragmented and chaotic world.
• Architectural history, theory and precedent
• Architectural design
The event is available as a pre-recording with a duration of ± 7 hours.You may stop and continue later. On the last day of every month a list of those who have succesfully completed the event will be extracted from the system and CPD certificates genereate - these certificates will be available on the e-Portal with the first two weeks of the next month.
It is validated for 0.7 CPD Category 1 points for SACAP registered professionals.
Frans Dekker is the Managing Director of SAIAT and since 2008 has been involved in presenting CPD workshops for SAIAT.
SAIAT members R 700.00
Other professionals / Guests R 780.00
Students R100.00
(All inclusive of VAT)
Please note that SAIAT offers a 4-month payment plan. Please complete the Instalment Agreement and DebiCheck mandate here.