This virtual event will contribute to the continuing development of the architectural professional by providing further mobility and transportability within the field of applying and understanding architectural history.
Until quite recently, the Western world accorded no place in its architectural scheme to Africa - with the exception of Egypt. The subject of African architecture was, and indeed still is among many, not considered worthy of recognition. To be sure, the existence of "shelter" in Africa has been admitted by all - all human beings require some kind of shelter - but the neglect or denial of discrete, viable architecture in Africa can be illustrated with innumerable references.
Several years ago, a leading American journal sent a team of photographers to Africa to document a feature article on the great epochs of African history with monumental architectural illustrations. Upon returning, their first comment was, "All we could find were a bunch of mud huts!"
The reaction they voiced was merely the echo of an attitude that prevailed a century ago when three prominent explorer-travellers, each reporting his experiences and impressions from different parts of West Africa, all used an identical drawing to illustrate indigenous housing. Thus, although the reality in the three regions was vastly different, the reportage reflected the European mental image of the times: all were identical.
Equally expressive of this general attitude is the initial response by students to a course in African architecture: "I didn't know there was any!"
The event is available as a pre-recording with a duration of ± 4 hours.You may stop and continue later. On the last day of every month a list of those who have succesfully completed the event will be extracted from the system and CPD certificates genereate - these certificates will be available on the e-Portal with the first two weeks of the next month.
It is validated for 0.4 CPD Category 1 points for SACAP registered professionals.
Frans Dekker is the Managing Director of SAIAT and since 2008 has been involved in presenting CPD workshops for SAIAT.
SAIAT members R 400.00
Other professionals / Guests R 440.00
Students R 50.00
(All inclusive of VAT)
Please note that SAIAT offers a 4-month payment plan. Please complete the Instalment Agreement and DebiCheck mandate here.