Monday - Thursday: 08:30 - 16:00
Friday: 08:30 - 12:00
Saturdays, Sundays and Public Holidays: Closed
Welcome to the e-Portal of
The South African Institute of
Architectural Technologists NPC
Here you can register for CPD events, download CPD Attendance Certificates, Membership Certificates, CPD Validation Certificates and Proof of PI Insurance Certificates.
Please phone 073 184 3893 for assistance on using this website.
If no answer, you will be called back as soos as convenient.
To download a certificate, click on DOWNLOAD CERTIFICATES in the menu above,
and then on the link as displayed.


SAIAT Membership Certificates and PII Proof of Insurance Sertificates are published on this portal once the membership fee for the year has been settled in full, unless an arrangement was agreed upon and in in place.

Certificates are generated  at the beginning of the month (first ten business days).


Our Online CPD events are pre-recorded.

They are available online and in such a way that you may complete in your own time - there is no expiry date.


When ordering a CPD-event or JBCC® document, the process will take you to the
YOCO platform to make a payment.

For adminstration purposes no other payment will be available.


Validated CPD Providers

(see list here)

Voluntary Associations are required to issue proof in writing to RPs registered with SACAP of attendance of CPD events to enable the RPs to claim the Category 1 CPD points.

Validated CPD providers validated by SAIAT are required to provide proof of attendance to SAIAT within 30 days of the date of the event. This is done via a secured webpage on the SAIAT website. This proof of attendance must either be a signed copy of the attendance register where signatures were obtained at the venue, or a system-generated attendance register that proves that the attendee was online for at least 75% (rule subject to change) of the duration of the event. The Validated CPD providers are required to check all details, including SACAP registration numbers, and provide SAIAT with an Excel spreadsheet from where the details are copied and submitted to the system to generate the CPD certificates.

These CPD certificates will be available on the e-Portal within the first ten working days of the following month the registers were submitted to SAIAT, subject to all conditions being adhered to.

Failure by a Validated CPD provider to comply with the above will result in the submission being rejected and they must re-submit such after corrections have been done. Please note that if no or an incorrect SACAP registration number is provided by the attendee, it will result in the words NOT PROVIDED appearing on the issued CPD certificate. Any request for corrections to CPD certificates after they have been generated will be charged at R150.00 per correction.

All registers for online activities are audited, and names will be deleted from the list if the attendee has spent less than 75% of the total duration of the event online. CPD is a statutory requirement and SAIAT must ensure that CPD claims are valid before a certificate is issued. Please note that all enquiries regarding CPD events provided by Validated CPD Providers need to be addressed to the provider, who will then be in contact with SAIAT if required. SAIAT cannot entertain any direct enquiries.

SAIAT CPD Events Online

Data is downloaded from GoToWebinar on the last day of each month, and certificates will be generated for those who have succesfully completed the event since the previous download of data. These CPD certificates will be available on the e-Portal within the first ten working days of the following month.

Note that certificates will only be issued to those who has completed the event. The time period online (this will incude the total of multiple sessions) must be at least equal to the duration of the event and not more than 150% of the duration of the event. Please ensure that you logout properly after each session to prevent the system from logging additional time.

As of 01 April 2024 no certificates will be issued to those with excessive periods online logged by the system as this will indicate unattended access.

SAIAT CPD Events Live

CPD certificates will be generated within the first ten working days following the live event.

To qualify for student rates for CPD events, please do the following:

1. Create a profile and complete all fields under Customer Info - click on Settings and Certificates

2. Forward proof of registration as an architectural student at a SACAP accredited ALS to Please note that if you have a professional registration with SACAP you will not qualify for student rates.

3. Your profile will be updated so that the system automatically recognise you as a student.

4. Note that false information provided to qualify for discounted rates will constitute fraud and legal action will be taken.

To qualify for Building Control rates for CPD events, please do the following:

1. Create a profile and complete all fields under Customer Info - click on Settings and Certificates

2. Forward proof of employment at a Local Authority in building control, together with an avidavit that no architectural services are being offered privately to

3. Your profile will be updated so that the system automatically recognise you as a building control employee.

4. Note that false information provided to qualify for discounted rates will constitute fraud and legal action will be taken.